Tripura bans transportation of live pigs into the state

Considering the losses of the pig farmers in the wake of outbreak of infectious disease (African swine flu) in pigs the animal resources development department, vide a notification, has banned transportation of live pigs into and through the state of Tripura from outside the state until further orders are given. Through the notification the ARDD said, no live pig/ pig carcass should be brought inside the state without obtaining prior no-objection certificate from the ARD department, Government of Tripura.
It said, entry should be allowed only to those consignments which arrive through rail, road at the entry point of the state observing Rule 96 of Transportation of Animals Rules, 2001 under Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 and following the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) of the government of Tripura and after necessary checking of health and vaccination status of the animals by the ARDD officials. A prior intimation must be given to the director of ARDD at least 48 hours before arrival of any pig consignment at the state’s entry point.
Further, the ARD department informed through the notification that no pig should be allowed to enter the state which is ready for disposal for commercial purpose (pork) except breeding stock. It will be mandatory for the importer at his own cost to get the animals checked by the ARDD officials at the destination point with prior intimation to the local ARDD official. If any unhealthy, illegal consignment is identified and located by any authorized official at any entry point in the state, it would be the sole responsibility of the owner, importer of the consignment to remove the animals, consignment from the state, failing which the importer has to dispose the consignment at his own cost as per the prevailing disease control regulations in force under the supervision of the ARDD officials.