Valedictory session of national seminar on Vastu Shastra held at Central Sanskrit University

The 2-day long National Seminar organized by the Department of Jyotish of Central Sanskrit University, Ekalavya Campus on the theme ‘Aadhunik Sandharve Vastushastrasya Yogdanam' (Contribution of Vastu Shastra in the Present Context') came to a formal end on Saturday
During the valedictory session Prof. Ganga Prasad Prasain, Vice-chancellor of Tripura Central University was present as Chief Guest. In his address, Prof. Prasain opined that Indian Knowledge System lies at the root of our culture and intellectual gatherings like this hint at the revival and assimilation of the vast trove of knowledge of IKS with the modern stream of knowledge. Prof. Sarva Narayan Jha, Director of Lucknow Campus as Guest of honour highlighted the scientific subtleties of Vastu Shastra and their impact on day-to-day life.
Prof. Alok Tripathi, ADG, Archaeological Survey of India as Special Guest upheld the ancient procedure of scientific construction on the codes of Vastu Shastra and its age-long enduring impact in this modern era too. Valedictory session was presided over by Prof. Prabhat Kumar Mohapatra, Director, Central Sanskrit University, Ekalavya Campus, Agartala. Dignitaries, research scholars, staff and students of various institutions and of Ekalavya Campus itself remained present on this occasion.